Ebook: Maximising your year-end budget

Effectively using your end-of-year budgets, and building a business case for next year and beyond.

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Are you an L&D practitioner headed towards the end of your financial year with money still to spend? 

If you've reached the final quarter of the year and discover that you or your team have not effectively allocated your budget, you're not alone. This ebook delves into the obstacles hindering your spending and provides advice for transform them into opportunities for the future.

Drawing on insights from research, social media, and the L&D community, you will gain invaluable advice to ensure that this situation never occurs again! You'll learn: 

  • Common challenges when forecasting spend and budgets
  • What to do when you're not on track and how to evaluate your priorities
  • Practical tips that work when managing costs and your year-end budget. 


Are you looking at the year ahead and unsure how to build a business case for more investment or new technology? 

This comprehensive ebook takes you on a journey through the entire process, offering valuable insights from start to finish. Complete with an interactive PDF template, you can not only use it for your own planning but to impress relevant business stakeholders too!

This invaluable resource provides all the necessary tools to confidently address any questions that may arise when presenting your business case. You'll learn:

  • How to create a compelling business case for a new learning initiative or platform.
  • Mastering the art of expressing a confident, concise, and well-defined project plan for your new investment.
  • Revealing the essential questions that should be on your radar to effectively evaluate your case. 
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Download your free template & ebook

Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your leftover budget and secure your next big project for 2024.